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Enhancing Your Recovery Through Education!

Shoulder Impingement

What is impingement?
When the structures (muscles/tendons/bursa) around the shoulder get pinched and/or inflamed between two bony surfaces.

• Repetitive overuse movements e.g lifting, throwing, pushing and pulling movements
• Overloading the shoulder, e.g. lifting heavy objects
• Poor posture and weak shoulder, neck and back muscles
• Traumatic Injury namely, motor vehicle accidents, falls and sports injuries

Signs and Symptoms
• Pain in the front or side of the shoulder impingement
• Pain radiating down the upper arm
• Weakness or limited shoulder movement (e.g. raising your arm or putting your arm behind your  back)
• Clicking or catching pain in the shoulder area

Physiotherapy Treatment
• Education: correct sleeping and working positions.
• Pain/Inflammation: Taping the shoulder, gentle mobilizations, electrotherapy such as laser or ultrasound
• Range/Mobility: joint mobilizations, soft tissue release and
exercise therapy
• Strength/Function: shoulder blade stability and progressive function relating to sport and work tasks

Want to learn more about how you can alleviate shoulder pain? Visit our website here to book your first appointment!

Allied Physio

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